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How Long Does a Golf Cart Battery Last?--IMPROVE BATTERY
August 30, 2024

How Long Does a Golf Cart Battery Last?

Driving around the green in a golf cart is par for the course. But how long does a golf cart battery last before losing its juice?

Multiple facets contribute to the lifespan of golf cart batteries. Here’s a closer look at what keeps them going, which types have superior longevity, and how they operate under certain conditions.

The Life of a Golf Battery

If you’re wondering how long a golf cart battery lasts, most lead-acid golf batteries have an average lifespan of four to six years. Take good enough care of them, or use lithium batteries for golf carts instead, and you can see that number skyrocket past ten years. (Lithium golf cart batteries last 3,000-5,000 partial cycles while lead-acid last 500-1,000 partial cycles.) Yet other factors, like how often you use and charge your battery, can still impact how long your golf cart battery stays healthy.

There’s no universal “right way” to charge a lead acid golf cart battery. But a good rule of thumb is never to let it stay under or overcharged. A battery sitting too long in either state will have a shorter lifespan. Keep in mind, that you don’t have to worry about overcharging our lithium batteries (see why below). Just avoid discharging your lithium battery to 1Ah capacity or down to BMS lower voltage cut-off settings.


Now Charging

Are you charging your golf cart battery enough? The good news is that many batteries last a reasonable amount of time as long as you charge and discharge them properly. But overcharging your battery is bad for your golf cart batteries, so if you have traditional batteries, knowing when to disconnect is essential. (If you have our lithium batteries you can leave the batteries connected, they’ll never overcharge.) Most of the time, an overcharged battery is simply the owner forgetting to unplug the charger since they’re doing it manually (and not having a good charger, to begin with).

Our batteries have a Battery Management System (BMS) and our chargers also have a feature that automatically stops charging once your battery is charged. If you don’t have a golf cart battery or battery charger with this feature, you can set an alarm to ensure you don’t overcharge it. In that situation, remembering when to disconnect is highly recommended to increase your battery’s lifespan.

Power Consumption

Some golf carts are a bit more power-hungry than others. These models have unique features that, while great for golfers, can strain the battery and affect its longevity.

Anything from fog lights to higher speeds can reduce the lifespan of your battery. It’s also worth noting that your battery will probably live longer if you don’t use it as often.


Getting the Most Out of Your Battery

If you’re worried about your battery’s well-being, there are some simple ways to keep it and your golf cart ready for action, including:

  • Making a point to charge your battery often, ideally after every use.
  • Ensuring your charger is compatible with your battery
  • Always charge until the battery is full without going overboard (ideally use a battery and/or charger like ours so it automatically shuts off before overcharging)
  • If you don’t use your golf cart for a while, use a charger with a “trickle” charge setting (our LiFePO4 batteries negate the need for a trickle charger)
  • Check your golf cart battery to make sure there’s no damage
  • Store your golf cart battery in a cool, dry place
  • Invest in higher quality options like lithium batteries for golf carts
  • Know when it’s time to swap your old battery out for a new one

Following these tips will help you see the upper end of a golf cart battery’s lifespan.

Does Your Battery Need to Be Replaced?

Are you curious if it’s time to say goodbye to your old battery? Here are a few signs that you’re ready for a new one:

  • The battery charges exceptionally slowly
  • You notice a battery leak
  • The golf cart accelerates slowly
  • You can see battery damage
  • Your cart can’t go far without needing a charge

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve owned your battery: if you recognize any of these situations, you’ll likely want to buy a new golf cart battery.

What’s the Deal With Lead Acid Batteries?

Lead acid batteries make up the majority of the golf cart battery market. More than half of the batteries available today are lead acid. But that’s beginning to change since they don’t seem to perform nearly as well as lithium batteries for golf carts.

Because they’re usually more affordable, most golf cart owners gravitate toward lead-acid batteries. But just because the initial cost is lower doesn’t mean you get the most value from using them over other types. The lead acid battery lifespan is a good argument for why they won’t always be the right pick.

Lithium vs lead acid – how long do lithium batteries last? Find out here!

The Power of IMPROVE Lithium Golf Cart Batteries

When asking, “How long does a golf cart battery last,” we primarily discuss the more common lead acid batteries. But there’s another, superior choice: lithium golf cart batteries can outperform the more common lead-acid by astounding measures.

Lithium golf cart batteries like the ones from LithiumHub can last up to four times longer than other battery types. As we mentioned earlier, lithium golf cart batteries last 3,000-5,000 partial cycles while lead-acid last 500-1,000 partial cycles.

But lithium batteries not only last longer than their lead-acid counterparts, they can also increase the speed and acceleration of your golf cart. This gives you a better value for your golf cart and your new battery.

These batteries also have less maintenance overall, are lighter than lead acid batteries, and can charge five times faster!

Need batteries for your golf cart? Shop here!

Power Your Games with IMPROVE Lithium Batteries for Golf Carts

LithiumHub offers a 36 and 48-volt lithium golf cart battery ready to take you anywhere. You can easily connect these to your vehicle without complex connections. Plug and play. They’re lighter, last many years longer, and charge faster. And best of all, you can check how much battery you have left using the Bluetooth controls. All of this is backed by our industry-leading 11-year warranty.

Don’t settle for a battery that could leave you high and dry. Get a lithium battery for your golf cart for the ultimate investment in power and longevity!